Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Amazon Web Services Building Blocks

A high level review of the basic AWS building blocks
Its possible to explore the AWS documentation on each product. Direct access to documentation is possible via https://docs.aws.amazon.com/index.html#lang/en_us

·         AWS Global Infrastructure
Regions – geographical regions available around the globe. Separate entities and resources are not replicated by default

Availability Zone. Regions break down into two or more  DC availability zones, each physically distinct, but connected via multiple transit providers

Edge Locations. Availability zones host Content Delivery Networks – Amazon Cloudfront. Delivers content to customers. Typically located in high population zones.

·         Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
A private, virtual network in the AWS Cloud. Uses many of the services as would be deployed in a DC with capabilities abstracted for deployment.
Amazon VPCs live within regions and can span between multiple AZs. Can be private or assigned a public ip address via a gateway
lt tolerance.

Security Groups
SGs act like a built in firewall to secure instances. Separate SGs can be defined for each instance e.g. web, application and database tiers. Rules can be applied to each security group.

Compute Services
Compute services that can be run at required scale. This includes virtual servers, containers or code.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Pay as you go HW/SW. Via AWS Console, choose region, EC2 launch wizard, select SW or AMI (Amazon Machine Image), instance type or HW selection defining resources, network, storage, key pairs (for secure SSH and http access) and then launch. SSH access can then be made via putty.

AWS Lamda
Running compute without having to provision servers. Serverless compute service i.e. can  run code only when needed. Zero server admin.  Has resource limits, and billed on number of code executions.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Platform as a service. Orchestrates deployment for the various amazon web services, providing a higher layer of abstraction.  Enables an application to be added, and the required environment will be created via a wizard. Required instances, network, DB etc will be created in the background.

Application Load Balancer
Provides the ability to route requests to various targets/instances, dependant on configured rule sets.  Target groups and health checks can be defined.

Elastic Load Balancer
Classic load balancer functionality e.g. distributes traffic via round robin, and weight flows, sticky sessions, health monitors. Distribute traffic across AZs.  Can point CNAMEs to ELB.

Auto Scaling
Ensures the correct number of EC2 instances are provisioned. Auto scaling will auto provision EC2 instances when required. A launch configuration is required, an autoscaling group, and an autoscaling policy. Cloud Watch alarms can be used to trigger an autoscaling launch.

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
EBS can use HDD/SSD.  Supports snapshots and restore across regions. Encryption.  Configurable via Volumes on the EC2 dashboard.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Managed storage service. Do not have to be tied to instances. Can be access via Management Console, CLI or SDKs.

Amazon Glacier
Managed data archiving solution. Designed for storing ‘cold’ data that needs to be retained at low cost. Files stored in archives and vaults and controlled by an access policy. Various retrieval standards: Bulk, standard and expedited.

Amazon Relational Database Service
Allows DB instances to be created. MYSQL, SQL Server, Amazon Aurora,PostrgreSQL, Oracle,MariaDB. Can be Magnetic,SSD. Transactions can be replicated to to multiple AZs

Amazon Dynamo DB
NoSQL database service. Table storage. SSD drive and low latency queries.

Amazon Redshift
DataWarehouse. Query optimisation across large datasets.

AWS Trusted Advisor
Allows tracking of provisioned resources within account. Shows cost optimisation, performance, security and fault tolerance.

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